Computer Based Testing Family Letter
Please see the attached letter about CBT Testing for 2024-2025.
Please see the attached letter about CBT Testing for 2024-2025.
This school year, kindergarteners through 3rd graders can participate in the NYC Kid's Rise SaveForCollege Program + get free NYC Scholarship Accounts with money for college + career training:
Parents and Guardians are encourage to sign up and talk to classes about their jobs!
See the flyer that went home for more information & to sign up.
On November 18, Mayor Eric Adams issued a drought warning for New York City. All New Yorkers are encouraged to conserve water. Based on Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) guidance, we encourage families and staff to adopt water-saving habits, emphasizing reducing water use as a shared responsibility:
Report open fire hydrants and street leaks to 311.
Limit unnecessary flushing, as toilets account for a major portion of water use.
Reduce shower times.
Turn off faucets: Avoid running water while brushing teeth or washing hands.
Fix leaks promptly: Report and repair any dripping faucets or running toilets.
Run dishwashers and washing machines only when full.
Ask custodial teams to use brooms to clean sidewalks and driveways where possible.
Additional tips for reducing water use can be found at
The listening tours will be held from 6:00–8:00 p.m. (doors open at 5:30 p.m.) on the following dates: interested participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible as space is limited:
Please see the attached schedule of D20 Middle School Virtual and in-person open house events.
The PTA Fifth Grade Committee invites you to a virtual (or in-person) meeting to discuss plans and activities for your 2025 Graduate!
Please read the attached letter regarding school safety drills.
Please see the attached REVISED reminder of important dates for the upcoming year.
This section was revised to note that students will not be attending on Fall and Spring Parent-Teacher Conference Days.
Some other important dates include:
November 7, 2024 Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences – school not in session
Professional Development for teachers and staff in the morning, conferences in the afternoon and evening
March 6, 2025 Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences - school not in session
Professional Development for teachers and staff in the morning, conferences in the afternoon and evening
Study skills to help your child parent workshop.
Parents meet each Friday at 9am in the garden to work together to maintain the garden and to plan programming for students and families. We will not meet if raining, snowing or very cold and windy. If we need to cancel for any other reason, it will be noted on the calendar in advance.
New parents are always welcome to stop by for a tour and overview of our school gardening program. If you want to be involved but cannot make this weekly meeting, please reach out to Ms. Sheri at
Orange is the color of Fairness: the Pillar of Character for the month of April.
Parents meet each Friday at 9am in the garden to work together to maintain the garden and to plan programming for students and families. We will not meet if raining, snowing or very cold and windy. If we need to cancel for any other reason, it will be noted on the calendar in advance.
New parents are always welcome to stop by for a tour and overview of our school gardening program. If you want to be involved but cannot make this weekly meeting, please reach out to Ms. Sheri at
Please see flyers for upcoming events including Sports Night, Autism Awareness Day, and Chess Family Workshops.
D20 20K102PA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: PS 102 PTA Executive March Meeting
Time: Mar 17, 2025 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 983 4177 7354
Passcode: 941460
One tap mobile
+16465189805,,98341777354#,,,,*941460# US (New York)
+19292056099,,98341777354#,,,,*941460# US (New York)
Topic: PS 102 PTA April General Meeting
Time: Apr 7, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 970 0515 6282
Passcode: 623317
One tap mobile
+16465189805,,97005156282#,,,,*623317# US (New York)
+19292056099,,97005156282#,,,,*623317# US (New York)
D20 20K102PA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: PTA General March Meeting
Time: Mar 3, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 3242 2030
Passcode: 041697
One tap mobile
+16465189805,,99832422030#,,,,*041697# US (New York)
+19292056099,,99832422030#,,,,*041697# US (New York)
In September, we are reading:
Kindergarten: The Pigeon HAS to Go to School by Mo Willems
Grades 1&2: Butterflies on the First Day of School by Annie Silvestro
Grades 3-5: Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena
Click here to access the Family Log In Reference Guide - UPDATED December 2024
These pages contain an overview of the applications available to students at PS 102. Within this document, you’ll find descriptions and links to our online programs that are available for both home and school use.
Please see an important letter from the Schools Chancellor attached.
Please see important message attached from the NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE